Conference Venue
Tietgensgade 65
1704 Copenhagen V, Denmark
About the venue
DGI-byen was constructed in 1996 and is located centrally in Copenhagen at the Central Station. At 22,000 square meters, there are sports, conference facilities, eateries, hotels and spas. The City of Copenhagen and Danish Gymnastics and Sports Association have agreed a final completion of DGI-city with rides, activity sites, spas, courtyards on the roof structure and a combined activity and parking facility.
Read more about the venue here.
How to get to the venue from Copenhagen Airport
A taxi costs approx. 250 DKK
By train to Copenhagen Central Station the trip takes around 20 minutes and costs 31.50 DKK per person. DGI-byen is only a few minutes walk from the station.
By car
The car park has 192 spaces and is centrally located with entrance from Ingerslevgade, 1704 Copenhagen V
Rates for the car park
6-22 / DKK 32 per hour
22-6 / DKK 10 per hour
24-hour parking /DKK 240
Public transport in Copenhagen
The public transport infrastructure of Copenhagen is among the most efficient and reliable in the world, and it is still being developed and improved. Public transport will get you anywhere you wish to go in the capital region. Click here for more information about getting around in Copenhagen
Journey planner
Click this link to plan your journey with public transport in Copenhagen
Contact Information
Conference Secretariat:
CAP Partner
Nordre Fasanvej 113, 2.sal
2000 Frederiksberg